About Me

My photo
I'm 26 years old and married to the greastet husband a girl could have. We have two sons-Tyson (3) and Slate (15 months). I'm studying to get my bachelors in Environmental Science.

Friday, August 2, 2013


2 Rounds:

10 squats with 15 lb kettle bell
10 side lunges (both sides)
10 reverse leg extensions with 15 lb kettle bell
10 sit-ups 
1 minute row
3 minute jog

Go for it!!


The last month has been hard.

I hate having Crohn's disease. I hate it because it automatically makes me "special". Instead of just being me, I'm me-with Crohn's disease. I hate being singled out because of something I can't control or cure.

But, it is what it is.

What is important though is how I choose to see things.

I choose to not let me life be ruled by Crohn's disease. It's part of me, but it isn't who I am.

After struggling this last month with tests and doctors appointments I decided to blog about my disease for no better reason than to have an outlet for my frustrations and joys while battling this disease and leading  attempting to lead, a healthy life.

My goal:
1.) Spread awareness about Crohn's disease
2.) Support others with Crohn's disease
3.) Share my story (note-it's not awesome, but likely entertaining).

That's all!-Amber